Friday, December 3, 2010

Log 4

Learning Across the BAPP Course

Throughout the course I have gained knowledge in a variety of areas from increasing my knowledge and confidence on working with numerous computer programmes and applications, such as Delicious, Google Docs and learning how to blog; to developing my academic writing skills; to developing my researching skills and carrying out an investigation.

The first thing I learnt on the BAPP course was how to set up my own blog and how to interact with other people’s blogs. Having never used a blog before this was a somewhat daunting task. However it has opened my eyes to a whole new way of interacting with others and of marketing myself.

The first module on the course was designed to make us think about ourselves what we are good at and what skills we lack. I found this most useful in guiding me towards ideas for my final project. I had numerous ideas, but due to the small scale of the investigation, I had to think logically as to which ideas would be most practical and achievable under the given time limitations.

The thought processes which led to the final idea being selected were long and challenging. However, from this process I learnt much about how to eliminate or adapt initial ideas efficiently, effectively and logically.

It is through writing the proposal, conducting the investigation and writing up the final report that I feel I have learnt the most from this course. The project has enabled me to improve my:
- reading skills
- researching skills
- interview technique
- academic writing skills
- critical thinking skills
- general project planning and development techniques

My investigation is a Work Based Learning project based on social world research. Through the investigation I have developed an understanding and appreciation of research projects and, in particular, for social world research. My knowledge of practitioners and research methods has also developed and I feel this will aid me in approaching future research in a more critical and reflective way.

One of the main findings of my investigation was how to become more employable as an actor. I intend to utilise this information to become more employable and to move my career forward from here. Another major benefit I have gained through doing this course and this investigation is the benefit of keeping a Learning Journal.

Using a Learning Journal is something which I intend to continue throughout my career. It enables me to record my experiences and ideas and moreover to reflect on them critically. I envisage that keeping another Learning Journal, after this project is completed, will help me to more forward with my career in a practical and effective way.

Due to the nature of the course, little personal interaction has been required between students. I feel this was a shame and that I could have learnt more from my peers had there been the opportunity. Perhaps we could have interacted more on the blogs, but as so many people were new to blogging, I think many felt uneasy interacting in this way.

I feel a great sense of accomplishment as I near to the end of this course and I feel proud of what I have achieved.


  1. Your comment about lack of interaction on the blogs hit the nail on the head, I think if we were all to do the course again the blogging would be one thing that would be different. Now being comfortable with the blog aspect I would use it more to my advantage. If I were to do it again I would also keep a better learning log as I have realised over time how invaluable it is. I like you will continue to keep one!

  2. Laura,

    Sounds like you have gained a wealth of knowledge and improved in numerous skills since embarking on this BAPP course. The fact you are able to use the findings from your study immediately in order to move your career forward tells me that your choice of project was an accurate one.
    I do agree that there was little interaction happening on the blog’s, especially during the last module. This made it harder to work collaboratively and comment on fellow student’s work. However I do understand that everyone was focusing on completing their projects and admittedly I did not blog as much as I would have liked to in the last couple of months.
    I also agree that the use of a learning diary throughout the course was extremely beneficial and I like you I intend to carry on using this skill throughout my professional career.
